Monday, June 8, 2009

Photos from our launch party

Dreamsploitation keeps the night going

Ria Mae and Margot Durling warm things up

**Extra special thanks to Mike McGuire for his design skills and hooking us up with the fabulous Dreamsploitation**

**a very special thank you to Karyn Haag for the beautiful handcrafted nominations book **

Friday, June 5, 2009

the heroin project's launch party

Join us at the Company House for the heroine project's official launch party this Sunday. As founders, Robyn McNeil and Shannon Webb-Campbell want to to share their vision.

Not only will you be able to find out more, but you can make your nomination for an outstanding Nova Scotian woman. Whether it's your mom, a local shop owner, an activist, or a professor, we want to know who you think should be included in the heroine project.

In conjunction with V-Day Halifax, we hope you come and raise your glasses in honour of the outstanding women of Nova Scotia. Plus we're having a celebration of sound, as burgeoning songstress Ria Mae and sonic explorer Dreamsploitation are performing.

So swing by The Company House (The House, or The CoHo as they say) on Sunday June 7, 2009. The launch kicks off at 7:00p.m. and should wrap up around 10:00pm, but feel free to stay longer for drinks and conversation.

Cover charge is 5 bucks, with all proceeds going towards V-Day Halifax.